

Here I am on my redesigned for the 4th time blog. I started this thing June of 2004. I used it socially. I used it responsibly. I used it to get my political point across. I used it to get rid of several close friends. I even used it to piss off my husband.

In the next few weeks, I expect to change it a little bit more to make it ME, to make it MINE. Sure, there will be links galore. There will be Google ads and search boxes. There will still be the same dumb quizzes, videos (now that I know how to post them) and lame reviews. I will still bitch about mistakes and feelings. But it looks cooler now.

If you have never been here before, welcome to my own little slice of the internet. If you have visted once or twice, welcome back. What do you think? If you were a regular (Ang, Rod, and other long distance "acquaintences") WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?


hepkitty said...

Nice redesign! Very dynamic.

geekdarling said...

Ooooo, I like it! The picture on the side is too big though. I have to scroll over to read your posts!

geekdarling said...

Oh, it works in IE but not Firefox.