
Tis the Season

As some of you know, in addition to working a full time job, raising 2 kids, and all the junk that comes with that, I do Avon. Its a "hobby". That means I don't make much off it at all. They (the evil management at Avon) try to convince us every year that I will make $$$$$ like crazy at Christmas time. I have been doing Avon nearly 5 years now and Christmas time is always my worst time of the year. Except this year. I just completed a fundraiser for a high school in La Pine (the city just south of Bend that just got their first traffic light AND voted to become a city) and did my best campaign EVER. In addition to that, I have my first Avon party on Monday. I have never done one as its not Avon's thing to do parties. I wont do much for it. I am sure it will still do just fine. The long and short of it all is that I have been BUSY!

I have been wanting to write a lot. I wanted to do a weekly commentary on Real Time with Bill Maher, but now the show is on break until February. Nothing to talk about. I want to talk about how I am doing with the whole dead dad thing (but I don't). And I want to talk about how crushing the whole Kim family thing is (fucking tragedy in my backyard). But I will talk about it later. That wound is too fresh.

Mostly, I want to talk about things I have been avoiding talking about with friends, family, my husband. Crying in front of others is not something I enjoy doing. Crying alone in front of a computer screen seems much more appropriate.

In any case, when I have a chance, I will write more. This is important to me. I always wanted to be a writer.

Also, when you get a chance, check out Elizabeth's site. She needs some prayers BADLY. Send some her way, please.


Hi There

I really have a lot I want to say, mostly political, as it is that time of year. But finding time to write has proven hard as I spend a lot of time in the evenings with my man. I used to write when I was at work, but as I no longer work for the wonderful world of insurance I don't have that luxury any longer. Someone is watching where I work now. Besides that, I can't even access this page when I am at work. So things are moving slow over here at A Lizard Tantrum. I know you will stay and listen. You love me. Right?


Once Again

I am making a few changes here. Nothing big, but just tweaking what I have already done and finishing to my view. Here is something cute.


Return to the Beach

Long story short, the beach situation is working itself out. No one wants to sell, but everyone wants to sell. There are issues with the ceiling and the septic tank. Any way, its going to be just fine. I got my way.

Good Week

So this week C, my 5 year old boy, started kindergarten. On Monday, I took him to school, fully expecting to cry, but I did very well. The tears welled up a couple of times, except nothing spilled over. I was just glad I didn't go ballistic. I had arranged to have the whole day off, if needed. However, it wasn't needed and I was only a half hour late to work.

In addition to that, we noticed his first loose tooth on Sunday. It fell out of his mouth on Wednesday. That was a huge ordeal as it was our first encounter with the tooth fairy. I told C he needed to put his newly orphaned tooth under his pillow so the tooth fairy could come and give him money. Our kid is not satisfied ever with a quick answer, so eventually the whole thing became a huge production. He is to put the tooth under his pillow and he has to go to sleep because she isn't visible while you are awake. Then she gets the tooth, leaves money, taps her wand in his mouth to make the new tooth grow (which wasn't visible at first, but is totally growing in now, confirming Mommy's story), then gives the old tooth to Mommy to keep. We ended up giving him $1 as we have no idea how much teeth go for these days and are unwilling to spoil someone with something he has barely an idea of. More money just seemed wasteful.

All summer, we were concerned with how going to a new school after 4 years at a child development center would hit our not-so-good-with-change boy, especially after his teachers brought up 3 weeks ago that he may not be mature enough to be successful with finger painting and structured play. We were a little angry that after all this time spent with him, they brought it up at the last minute. I politely told them their concerns were well received, but that he was going anyway. It turned out to be good, since he seems to be doing so much better. Turns out he was bored. My kid is too smart for them. :)

In all that concern for the boy, we never once thought about how it would affect N, his 3 year old sister. As it turned out, she wasn't ready for the change. We hadn't bothered to talk to her about it, so when she ended up going to CDC in a separate vehicle, being dropped off without her big brother, she was traumatized. The first day was fine because I don't think she realized it, but the second day was harder. She wouldn't let me go and I was late for work again. As the days went on, she became a little more used to the idea. However, she was quite a bit more emotional. That could have been due to the buildup of wax in her ears, or the poop that hadn't come out of her in at least a week (finally had some pooage yesterday), or the fever, or the complete lack of sleep. Needless to say, her week was not that great.

So, here is to a new week, with new ideas and activities and feelings. *CLINK*


The Beginning of the End

My son starts kindergarten on Monday.



Here I am on my redesigned for the 4th time blog. I started this thing June of 2004. I used it socially. I used it responsibly. I used it to get my political point across. I used it to get rid of several close friends. I even used it to piss off my husband.

In the next few weeks, I expect to change it a little bit more to make it ME, to make it MINE. Sure, there will be links galore. There will be Google ads and search boxes. There will still be the same dumb quizzes, videos (now that I know how to post them) and lame reviews. I will still bitch about mistakes and feelings. But it looks cooler now.

If you have never been here before, welcome to my own little slice of the internet. If you have visted once or twice, welcome back. What do you think? If you were a regular (Ang, Rod, and other long distance "acquaintences") WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?


Late Summer Cleaning

I cleaned up a little bit here. Changed a few things. Deleted a lot of posts and a lot of unused (by me) links.

Smells fresh. Welcome back to my cleaner home.